Sleep-deprived thoughts I had while approaching our hostel in Krakow;
“OK so we’re staying in a hostel. I’m not sure I like hostels. It’s ok you have a private room. You’ll only be there to sleep. Is this a safe part of town? I hope the beds will be comfortable. I heard someone had no curtains in their hostel? Oh god, I hope they have curtains!”
It’s ok, they had curtains. And I survived.
Our hostel resembled that of a university residence, conveniently located between the Jewish Quarter and the Main Market Square. Our IKEA catalogue private room was comfortable, and while there will always be excitable travellers milling around at who knows what time in the morning, we were relatively unaffected by noise and rarely ran in to others on our floor.
Other than the weak bladder of a drunk frenchman who pissed all over the bathroom floor one morning, we didn’t have any problems using the shared bathroom and kitchen facilities. With a key to lock our room, and coded entry to our floor, we had no concerned over the safety of our belongings – but it’s worth remembering we had a private twin room.